Malayalam TV actor Dr. Priya passed away at the age of 35 due to a heart attack. The unfortunate incident occurred just two days after the shocking death of actress Renjusha Menon. Dr. Priya, who was eight months pregnant at the time, underwent a regular pregnancy check-up before suffering the heart attack. She was admitted to a private hospital, where she tragically lost her life. Her newborn baby is currently in the intensive care unit.
The news of Dr. Priya’s death was shared by actor Kishor Satya on his social media accounts. He expressed his grief and informed her fans about the unexpected loss. Kishor Satya mentioned that there were no other health issues prior to the cardiac arrest. He also shared the anguish of Dr. Priya’s mother and her husband, who had been by her side for six months without leaving her alone. The post questioned the cruelty of fate towards innocent believers.
Dr. Priya was a well-known figure in Malayalam television, particularly for her role in the popular show “Karuthamuthu.” After getting married, she took a break from acting but continued to work as a doctor. She was pursuing an MD and was employed at the PRS hospital in Thiruvananthapuram.
This unfortunate incident comes shortly after the death of Renjusha Menon, who was found dead in her flat in Thiruvananthapuram. Renjusha, also 35 years old, was discovered hanging in the flat she shared with her husband, who is also an actor. Reports suggest that she was facing financial troubles at the time of her death.
The Malayalam television industry mourns the loss of two talented actresses within a short span of time. The families of Dr. Priya and Renjusha Menon are left devastated, and their fans offer their condolences and prayers during these difficult times.