David “Red” Worrall, a candidate for an Indiana town council, tragically collapsed while greeting voters outside a polling station on Tuesday. Unfortunately, he later passed away at a hospital. Worrall, a former councilman, was attempting to make a comeback by running for an at-large seat on the council.
The Town of Clarksville Administration and Town Council expressed their condolences to Worrall’s friends and family, announcing his death on Tuesday afternoon. They acknowledged his dedication to the community and praised his passion for public service and his unwavering commitment to creating positive change in the town.
Clarksville, located in Southern Indiana, is situated just across the Ohio River from Louisville, Kentucky. Worrall’s sudden demise has left the community deeply saddened and reflecting on his remarkable contributions.
It is important to note that this article was originally published on the Louisville Courier Journal, titled “Indiana elections: Clarksville Town Council hopeful David Worrall dies.”