Gangster Rohit Godara has claimed responsibility for the high-profile murder of Sukhdev Singh Gogamedi, the leader of Rashtriya Rajput Karni Sena, in Jaipur. The incident occurred when two men, who were having tea with Mr. Gogamedi at his residence, shot him multiple times. Two others were injured in the gunfire. After a video of the shooting went viral, Rohit Godara, associated with the gangs of Goldie Brar and Lawrence Bishnoi, posted on Facebook, admitting his involvement in the murder. He identified himself as Rohit Godara Kapursari, brother of Goldie Brar, and stated that Mr. Gogamedi had supported their enemies.
Rohit Godara, residing in Bikaner’s Lunakaran, is believed to be currently in Canada. He has a criminal record with over 32 cases registered against him at various Indian police stations. Godara was known for running extortion rackets, demanding sums ranging from Rs 5 crore to Rs 17 crore from businessmen in Rajasthan. He is also the main suspect in the murder of gangster Raju Thehat in Sikar last year, which he also claimed responsibility for on Facebook. Godara mentioned that Thehat was eliminated for the deaths of gangsters Anandpal Singh and Balveer Banuda. Additionally, he is one of the accused in the high-profile murder of rapper Sidhu Moose Wala, who was shot dead in Punjab’s Mansa district in May last year.
In June last year, Godara fled from New Delhi to Dubai using a fake passport under the name ‘Pawan Kumar’. Currently, there is an Interpol Red Notice circular issued against him.
Sukhdev Singh Gogamedi’s security detail engaged in a firefight with the assailants around 12:30 pm. One attacker was neutralized during the exchange of gunfire, while the remaining assailants escaped on a stolen motorcycle. The attackers had approached Gogamedi’s house, claiming they wanted to meet him. After talking to him for 10 minutes, they opened fire. The entire incident was captured on CCTV, and the police are working on identifying and tracing the other two suspects. The authorities also intend to apprehend those involved in planning the murder.