The Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) has announced that it will be conducting a signature campaign to gather public opinion on whether Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal should resign if he is arrested. The campaign, called “Mai Bhi Kejriwal,” will run from December 1 to 20 and aims to counter what the party claims is a conspiracy by the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) to finish off the AAP.
Gopal Rai, a member of the AAP, alleged that the BJP is behind a “fake” liquor scam case in an attempt to get Kejriwal arrested. In response, the AAP plans to gather signatures at all 2,600 polling stations across the city to gauge public sentiment on the matter. The party believes that Kejriwal should not step down and should continue running the government from jail if he is arrested.
Rai stated that Kejriwal has consulted with AAP MLAs and councillors, and there is a consensus that he should not resign. The party intends to hold “Jan Samvad” in every ward of the city from December 21 to 24 to further discuss the alleged liquor scam and seek public opinion on Kejriwal’s resignation if he is arrested.
Earlier this month, the Enforcement Directorate summoned Kejriwal for questioning in a money laundering case related to an alleged excise policy scam. However, Kejriwal refused to appear and demanded that the notice be withdrawn, calling it “illegal and politically motivated.”
The AAP’s signature campaign and subsequent discussions aim to involve the public in deciding Kejriwal’s course of action if he faces arrest.