Italian Naval League and Ministry of Education Collaborate on Maritime Civic Education in Schools

Italian Naval League and Ministry of Education Collaborate on Maritime Civic Education in Schools

A solidified partnership has been established between the Italian Naval League and the Ministry of Education and Merit, with the aim of launching a range of educational initiatives focused on maritime civic education. This partnership, which was officially established through the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding in 2021, seeks to promote responsible civic behavior among students. Emphasis is placed on the importance of the safe, sustainable, and inclusive use of the sea, in line with the recent regulatory guidelines of the “Salvamare” Law and the Sea Plan.

In recent years, the focus has been on topics such as environmental protection, solidarity, and safety at sea. Now, the Italian Naval League and the Ministry of Education and Merit are launching a new national competition for the 2023-24 academic year. This competition, called “Italy and the sea”, is open to primary and secondary school students until April 30th. It offers the students an opportunity to delve deeper into the topic through a multidisciplinary approach. This is aimed at stimulating their curiosity about the various historical, cultural, economic, and social ties that exist between the development of Italy and the sea. The works expected from the students can be textual, artistic, or multimedia. The competition aims to initiate discussion and raise awareness among students about the strategic importance of the sea as a resource for a maritime nation like Italy. Throughout the year, the students will attend training sessions organized by the Italian Naval League.

Admiral Donato Marzano, the President of the Italian Naval League, states, “As the primary non-profit public associative body dealing with the sea in Italy, the Italian Naval League continues to promote maritime culture, and foster a closeness between young people and the sea. We focus particularly on the most vulnerable and individuals with disabilities.” He goes on to say, “Our ongoing collaboration with the Ministry of Education and Merit plays a crucial role in spreading the values and principles of the sea and maritime civic education. This is achieved through the hard work of our school delegates and over 56,000 members, who work hand in hand with teachers and school structures across the country. They are motivated and passionate maritime operators who complement school institutions in promoting the culture and traditions of the sea to the younger generations. They see sport as a tool for social inclusion without barriers and are committed to the protection of the marine, coastal and inland water environments,” President Marzano concludes.