Industrialist Anand Mahindra expressed his dismay over a viral video showing people dumping trash into the sea near Gateway of India in Mumbai. Mahindra, who is known for his active presence on Twitter, posted about the video for his 10.8 million followers. He criticized the careless civic attitude displayed in the video and emphasized the need for a transformation in civic behavior. The video depicted two men emptying gunny bags filled with trash, mainly flowers, into the Arabian Sea near the iconic structure in south Mumbai.
Mahindra’s tweet read, “It hurts just to see this. No amount of improvement in physical infrastructure can improve the city’s quality of life if the civic attitude isn’t transformed.” He also tagged the Commissioner of the Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai and Mumbai police in his tweet.
The video sparked outrage online and prompted the Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC) and Mumbai police to launch a search for the man involved. They successfully traced and identified him by tracking the taxi he used to reach the Gateway of India. The Solid Waste Management Department officials slapped him with a ₹10,000 penalty.
Internet users and public representatives reacted strongly to the video, demanding action against the men. Responding to Mahindra’s tweet, one person highlighted the importance of a collective shift in people’s attitude, responsibility, and pride to elevate a city’s quality of life. Another person called for strict fines on environmental offenders, emphasizing the need to prioritize the protection of the community and the planet.
Mahindra’s call for a transformation in civic attitude resonated with many, with one person agreeing that it is essential for individuals and society to foster a positive civic attitude for a better quality of life in the city.