In a heartwarming gesture, Prime Minister Narendra Modi extended his warmest wishes to the people of India on the auspicious occasion of Diwali. He expressed his hope that the festival would bring happiness, prosperity, and good health to everyone. Taking to the social media platform X, the Prime Minister posted, “Wishing everyone a Happy Diwali! May this special festival bring joy, prosperity, and wonderful health to everyone’s lives.”
Prime Minister Modi’s message resonated with the nation as he acknowledged the vibrant celebrations of Diwali in every household, which is attributed to the government’s public welfare schemes. Renowned celebrities and influencers across India joined the PM’s #VocalForLocal movement, using their social media platforms to support and promote local vendors and manufacturers.
Many influential figures took to social media to echo PM Modi’s initiative, emphasizing the importance of supporting the “Made in India” movement and encouraging their followers to appreciate and promote local talents and products.
Prime Minister Modi’s acknowledgment stands as a testament to the significant impact of these government schemes, uplifting the spirit of Diwali and reaffirming the government’s commitment to local entrepreneurs, artisans, and the overall economy.
Diwali, also known as the “festival of lights,” symbolizes the victory of light over darkness and good over evil. It holds cultural and spiritual significance and is observed on the 15th day of the month of Kartik every year. This year, Diwali was celebrated on November 12.
In a remarkable achievement, Ayodhya set a new Guinness World Record by lighting over 22.23 lakh “Diyas” (earthen lamps) during “Deepotsav 2023.” The temple town surpassed its own record from last year, when 15.76 lakh Diyas were lit on Diwali eve. The Uttar Pradesh Government’s “Grand Deepotsav” was recognized by the Guinness Book of World Records for this incredible feat.
(Note: This story has been published from a syndicated feed without any edits, except for the headline, by NDTV staff.)