Bollywood’s biggest stars gathered at designer Manish Malhotra’s Diwali party in Mumbai. The star-studded event saw celebrities showcasing their best fashion choices. Aishwarya Rai Bachchan looked stunning in a red sharara, while Salman Khan, who has his film “Tiger 3” releasing on November 12, opted for a casual look. Gauri Khan, the designer-producer, looked elegant in a white saree, although her husband Shah Rukh Khan was absent. Rekha stole the show in a vibrant saree, effortlessly posing for the cameras.
The event was a glamorous affair, with celebrity couples making a grand appearance. Kiara Advani and Siddharth Malhotra, who recently tied the knot, wore traditional outfits. Kiara dazzled in a mustard lehenga, complemented by Siddharth’s embroidered black kurta. Shahid Kapoor and Mira Rajput donned outfits in shades of blue and beamed with happiness.
Adding to the glamour were actresses Janhvi Kapoor, Ananya Panday, and Sara Ali Khan. Janhvi was accompanied by her sister Anshula Kapoor, while Ananya looked gorgeous in a yellow lehenga. Sara Ali Khan charmed everyone in a bright pink traditional attire.
Other notable guests included Varun Dhawan with wife Natasha Dalal, Farhan Akhtar with wife Shibani Akhtar, and Madhuri Dixit with husband Dr. Shriram Nene. The party was a star-studded affair, with celebrities showcasing their style and enjoying the festivities.