A group of protesters in Russia attacked an airport on Sunday, specifically targeting people on a plane arriving from Israel. The protesters were motivated by an antisemitic Telegram channel that encouraged them to target Jews. Despite the channel’s attempts to calm the mob, their actions became increasingly aggressive. The incident occurred at Makhachkala International Airport in Russia’s Dagestan region, which has a significant Muslim population. Morning Dagestan, a Telegram channel with around 65,000 subscribers, notified its followers about the scheduled arrival from Tel Aviv and urged them to confront and interrogate passengers they believed to be Jewish. The channel also instructed its followers to follow these individuals to their homes. The Institute for the Study of War confirmed that the channel played a significant role in inciting the mob. Videos from the airport showed large crowds, estimated to be in the hundreds, or even 1,200 according to local officials. The channel’s messages contained religious references, combining instructions with Islamic phrases. The airport crowd surpassed the channel’s instructions and broke through security barriers, storming through the airport. The channel made desperate appeals for restraint, asking the mob to only harass Jewish individuals rather than physically attack them. However, security services confronted the mob before they could find many victims. The entire airport was subsequently shut down. The Telegram channel had previously called on its followers to gather at the airport and confront the “unwelcome guests.” It even provided flight information for the targeted plane. The channel later posted detailed instructions, including demanding that arriving passengers denounce Israel and recording their addresses. The mob did not strictly adhere to these instructions and was seen running through the airport and confronting a man who denied being Jewish. As the situation escalated, the channel pleaded for no vandalism, swearing, or assault. The Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs reported that 150 people participated in the rioting, and 60 were detained. At least 20 people, including nine police officers, were injured during the incident. The administrator of the Telegram channel remains unclear, but it is allegedly linked to Ilya Ponomarev, an opponent of Putin and former member of the State Duma. The events at the airport raised international alarm, with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu calling on Russia to protect its citizens and take strong action against the rioters and the incitement against Jews and Israelis. The Makhachkala airport resumed full operation the following day.
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