“The Simpsons” Abandons Iconic Joke as Society Evolves

“The Simpsons” Abandons Iconic Joke as Society Evolves

Beloved animated series, ‘The Simpsons,’ has made a significant change by officially retiring one of its most famous jokes. The recurring gag of Homer strangling his son Bart has been discontinued, as confirmed in the third episode of the show’s 35th season titled “McMansion & Wife.” In the episode, Homer declares, “See, Marge, strangling the boy paid off. Just kidding, I don’t do that anymore. Times have changed.”

The running joke involved Homer disciplining Bart by squeezing his neck tightly. However, over the years, this action has faced criticism for its brutality. Whenever Bart made a sarcastic remark or committed a misdeed, Homer would respond by shouting, “Why you little!” and grabbing him by the throat. Eventually, Homer started using the same strangling gesture on other characters as well.

The news of this retirement has garnered attention on social media, with users expressing their appreciation for the show’s decision. One user wrote, “Took them 36 years, but he finally learned.” Another user commented, “I knew my man Homer was gonna learn. He’s a smart fella.” However, there were also humorous remarks suggesting that the change might be due to the use of artificial intelligence in the show’s writing.

‘The Simpsons’ is currently airing its 35th season, having been on television for 34 years. With over 750 episodes produced, it remains one of the longest-running sitcoms in the United States.

[Video: A Twitter post showing the retired gag can be viewed here.]

The retirement of this iconic joke symbolizes the evolving nature of comedy and the need to adapt to changing societal norms. As times change, it is essential for popular media to reflect these shifts and ensure that their content remains relevant and respectful.