Blue World, a renowned global website, provides an estimate of approximately 370 distinct species of sharks living in our world. Sadly, 80 of these magnificent species are currently facing the threat of extinction. While these powerful creatures are usually found in the depths of the ocean, they frequently venture onto human-populated beaches which often leads to unfortunate encounters. AZ Animals, a portal dedicated to animal information, has compiled a list of the most dangerous beaches worldwide where shark attacks are becoming alarmingly common.
South Carolina, USA
The American state of South Carolina has been a site of 107 recorded shark attacks on humans since 1837. Charleston and Horry Counties, home to the world-renowned Myrtle Beach, have witnessed the highest number of these incidents, with 37 and 36 attacks respectively.
The most frequent perpetrators are usually the hammerhead shark and the sand shark, although other dangerous species like the tiger shark are also found in these waters. According to AZ Animals, the favorable climate for feeding and mating found in this region attracts these creatures.
Maui, Hawaii
Hawaii, one of the most popular tourist destinations, welcomes up to ten million visitors each year. These tourists primarily spend their time on the beautiful sandy beaches of the region. However, apart from sunstroke, they also face a significant risk of shark attacks.
Between the years 2000 and 2015, there were 35 recorded shark attacks. In 2012 alone, Maui accounted for a staggering 60 percent of all shark attacks in Hawaii. Beaches like Makena, Kalama, and Paulauea are notorious for the large shark populations that inhabit their waters.
Coast of California, USA
The Californian coast was the site of three shark attacks in 2021 alone, one of which tragically resulted in death. Since 1837, the region has seen 132 unexpected shark attacks, primarily in the northern part of the coast, notably the infamous Red Triangle.
Most of these attacks have occurred on Solane Beach’s shores, and sharks are often spotted near Los Angeles, particularly at Santa Monica Beach.
Papua New Guinea
Papua New Guinea, the largest tropical island in the world, situated in the Pacific, has had 48 recorded shark attacks since 1848. Divers and tourists participating in shark fishing are the most common victims.
The local tradition of communicating with sharks includes ceremonial music played from ships and invoking the spirits of these powerful creatures.
Bondi Beach, Australia
Australia’s wildlife diversity is well-known and extends to its coastal regions, with Bondi Beach on the east coast being especially notorious for its shark population. The authorities have had to install protective nets to prevent the creatures from entering areas populated by swimmers.
Recent years have seen an increase in shark attacks. In 2006, three sharks attacked and killed a woman, and in 2008, a 16-year-old boy tragically lost his life in a similar incident.
Recife, Brazil
Recife beach is a popular destination in Brazil, and while local residents are aware of the risks, tourists sometimes disregard the danger. The Brazilian media has reported that the construction of sea docks has led to an increase in shark attacks.
There have been 59 recorded shark attacks since 1931, with 27 resulting in fatalities. The most recent incident occurred in 2013.
Gansbaai, South Africa
Gansbaai beach is unique due to its location and consequent large population of great white sharks. The ‘conflict’ between the currents of the Atlantic and Indian Oceans contributes to this area having the highest density of great white sharks globally.
According to recent data from CNN, there has been an increase in orcas in the region, adding to the danger. Despite the risks, tourists are attracted to the opportunity to descend in cages into the deep sea to observe these magnificent creatures up close. Since 2010, South Africa has seen 29 shark attacks, resulting in six deaths.
Réunion Island, Indian Ocean
Located about a hundred kilometers from Madagascar, Réunion Island is a small French territory that boasts stunning waterfalls, landscapes, beautiful beaches, and a significant shark population.
While the number of attacks on divers and tourists has drastically decreased in recent years, there have been 24 attacks since 1980, with 13 resulting in fatalities.