Three people were killed and six others injured on Thursday night in Mumbai after a speeding SUV collided with multiple vehicles at the toll plaza on Bandra Worli Sea Link. The incident occurred around 10.15 pm when a Toyota Innova car crashed into a Mercedes, just 100 meters before the toll post. In an attempt to escape, the car then struck several other vehicles in the toll queue.
The crash resulted in the deaths of two women and one man. Senior police officer Krishnakant Upadhyay stated, “After colliding, the car sped up and hit two to three other vehicles at the toll plaza. A total of six vehicles were damaged in the accident. Nine people were injured, out of which three lost their lives. Two of the six injured individuals are in serious condition.”
The driver of the Toyota Innova, who sustained minor injuries, has been arrested, and his car has been seized. The Bandra-Worli Sea Link, a 5.6-kilometer long, eight-lane bridge connecting Bandra in West Mumbai to Worli in South Mumbai, has witnessed several car accidents in recent months.