Speaker proposes 3 ideas to prevent government shutdown, with 2 potentially exacerbating stoppage.

Speaker proposes 3 ideas to prevent government shutdown, with 2 potentially exacerbating stoppage.

House Speaker Mike Johnson is currently considering different approaches to address the looming government shutdown deadline. The strategy he ultimately chooses will have significant implications on the likelihood of a shutdown occurring in just 11 days. One approach Johnson is considering is a “clean” government funding bill that would easily pass and be signed by President Biden. However, his other ideas, such as pairing a funding bill with immigration measures or using a novel “laddered” bill, would likely be blocked by Democrats and increase the chances of a shutdown.

Johnson is planning to seek input in a closed-door House GOP meeting on Tuesday, where Republicans will discuss their plans. While Johnson has been cautious in his statements, he has acknowledged that a short-term solution will be necessary as Congress works through the larger appropriations process. He expressed concern that they may not be able to complete the process by November 17.

The path of least resistance would be a simple funding bill without any policy demands, pushing the deadline into next year. Johnson has shown openness to this approach and campaigned on it during his run for speaker. However, it remains to be seen if hard-right Republicans will oppose him, as happened to former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy in a similar situation.

Two other approaches on the table would demand concessions from Democrats, which they are likely to reject. One approach would pair government funding with Republican wins on immigration, but the Democratic-controlled Senate has already ruled out the relevant bill. Another approach would demand policy concessions, such as cutting federal spending, but this is also likely to be rejected by Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer.

A third possible approach is a “laddered CR,” which would extend government funding for different agencies for different periods of time. The details of this approach are unclear, but it would allow lawmakers to prioritize certain parts of the government over others. However, Democrats are almost certain to reject this proposal.

Both sides agree that the main battle over government funding will occur in the new year when lawmakers aim to complete the larger appropriations process for the entire fiscal year. It remains to be seen how Johnson, who has been in the speaker’s chair for less than two weeks, will approach these upcoming fights. However, he has expressed readiness for battle and a desire to change the way Washington thinks.

In conclusion, House Speaker Mike Johnson is considering different approaches to address the government shutdown deadline. The outcome of his decision will have significant implications, and the various approaches are likely to face opposition from Democrats. The main battle over government funding is expected to occur in the new year.