Moody’s, the prominent international rating agency, has recently released an updated forecast pertaining to the trajectory of the Israeli economy amidst the ongoing War of Iron Swords, which has currently entered its fifth month. The updated credit rating for Israel by Moody’s has been demoted to A2, which is a decline from the previous A1 rating. Concurrently, Moody’s has also indicated a negative outlook for the Israeli economy in its report.
This report by Moody’s highlights significant apprehensions regarding the potential ramifications of the ongoing war in Gaza. It also points towards the escalating military tensions on the border between Lebanon and Israel, as well as the prevalent instability within the existing Israeli government, as potential factors contributing to the downgrade.
In response to Moody’s report, Israel’s Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, has offered his commentary, underscoring the robustness of the Israeli economy despite the downgrade. Prime Minister Netanyahu insisted that the downgrade in Israel’s credit rating is unrelated to the state of the nation’s economy. Instead, he firmly attributed the downgrade to the ongoing state of war. He expressed confidence in the inevitable upturn of the rating following the conclusion of the war, which he affirmed Israel is destined to win.